ic_bus Travel Telford 100

Wellington - Sutton Hill

via Princess Royal Hospital, Telford Central Rail Station, Brookside, Woodside and Madeley
View Live Service Download Timetable Download Fares

Tickets & Fares

1 Day: All Routes

Unlimited travel for 1 day on all Chaserider and Select Bus Services routes.

1 Day: All Routes

Unlimited travel for 1 day on all Chaserider and Select Bus Services routes.

1 Day: All Routes

Unlimited travel for 1 day on all Chaserider and Select Bus Services routes.

1 Day: All Routes

Unlimited travel for 1 day on all Chaserider and Select Bus Services routes.

1 Day: Telford Zone

Unlimited travel for 1 day on all Chaserider and Select Bus Services routes in the Telford zone.

1 Day: Telford Zone

Unlimited travel for 1 day on all Chaserider and Select Bus Services routes in the Telford zone.

28 Days: All Routes

Unlimited travel for 28 days on all Chaserider and Select Bus Services routes.

28 Days: All Routes

Unlimited travel for 28 days on all Chaserider and Select Bus Services routes.

28 Days: Telford Zone

Unlimited travel for 28 days on all Chaserider and Select Bus Services routes in the Telford zone.

28 Days: Telford Zone

Unlimited travel for 28 days on all Chaserider and Select Bus Services routes in the Telford zone.

7 Days: All Routes

Unlimited travel for 7 days on all Chaserider and Select Bus Services routes.

7 Days: All Routes

Unlimited travel for 7 days on all Chaserider and Select Bus Services routes.

7 Days: Telford Zone

Unlimited travel for 7 days on all Chaserider and Select Bus Services routes in the Telford zone.

7 Days: Telford Zone

Unlimited travel for 7 days on all Chaserider and Select Bus Services routes in the Telford zone.

Annual: All Routes

Unlimited travel for 1 year on all Chaserider and Select Bus Services routes.

Annual: All Routes

Unlimited travel for 1 year on all Chaserider and Select Bus Services routes.

Annual: Telford Zone

Unlimited travel for 1 year on all Chaserider and Select Bus Services routes in the Telford zone.

Annual: Telford Zone

Unlimited travel for 1 year on all Chaserider and Select Bus Services routes in the Telford zone.

Route Guide

  • Bus Station, Wellington
  • Vineyard Road, Wellington
  • Charlton School, Wellington
  • Princess Royal Hospital, Leegomery
  • Teresa Way, Leegomery
  • Heatherdale, Leegomery
  • Apley Wood School, Leegomery
  • Barnes Wallis Drive, Leegomery
  • Orchard Farm Roundabout Southbound, Hortonwood
  • Hortonwood 30 Southbound
  • Hortonwood 33 Southbound
  • Hortonwood 7 Southbound
  • Police Station, Donnington
  • Furnace Lane, Trench
  • Stratford Park, Trench
  • Gordon Road, Trench
  • Pickering Road, Trench
  • Church Road, Oakengates
  • Telford Central, Telford Town Centre
  • Stafford Park Opposite Skoda Garage
  • Magna Foods, Stafford Park
  • Business Development Centre, Stafford Park
  • Kwik Fit, Stafford Park
  • Naird Roundabout, Stafford Park
  • Holmer Lake, Stirchley
  • Burford, Brookside
  • Burtondale, Brookside
  • Blakemore, Brookside
  • Bishopdale, Brookside
  • Brackenfield, Brookside
  • Brindleyford, Brookside
  • Ellis Peters Drive, Aqueduct
  • Castlefields Way, Aqueduct
  • Shutfield Road, Aqueduct
  • Willowfield, Woodside
  • Woodrows, Woodside
  • Park Lane, Woodside
  • The Saplings, Woodside
  • Warrensway, Woodside
  • Wyvern, Woodside
  • Abraham Darby School, Woodside
  • Lees Farm Roundabout, Woodside
  • Lees Farm Roundabout, Madeley
  • Cricket Ground, Madeley
  • Maddocks, Madeley
  • Madeley Centre
  • St Marys School, Madeley
  • Miners Arms, Madeley
  • Garage, Halesfield
  • Proto Labs, Halesfield
  • Clews Wood Roundabout, Halesfield
  • Halesfield 11
  • Springmeadow, Sutton Hill
  • Selbourne, Sutton Hill
  • Selbourne, Sutton Hill
  • Summerhill, Sutton Hill
  • Southgate, Sutton Hill
  • Smallwood, Sutton Hill
  • Southfield, Sutton Hill
  • Shakespeare Way, Sutton Hill
  • Sandcroft, Sutton Hill
  • Halesfield 11
  • Clews Wood Roundabout, Halesfield
  • Proto Labs, Halesfield
  • Garage, Halesfield
  • Miners Arms, Madeley
  • Station Road, Madeley
  • St. Marys Church, Madeley
  • Madeley Centre
  • Maddocks, Madeley
  • Cricket Ground, Madeley
  • Lees Farm Roundabout, Madeley
  • Lees Farm Roundabout, Woodside
  • Abraham Darby School, Woodside
  • Wyvern, Woodside
  • Warrensway, Woodside
  • The Saplings, Woodside
  • Park Lane, Woodside
  • Woodrows, Woodside
  • Willowfield, Woodside
  • Madeley Academy, Woodside
  • Willow Bank, Aqueduct
  • Castlefields Way, Aqueduct
  • Ellis Peters Drive, Aqueduct
  • Brindleyford, Brookside
  • Brackenfield, Brookside
  • Bishopdale, Brookside
  • Blakemore, Brookside
  • Burtondale, Brookside
  • Burford, Brookside
  • Holmer Lake, Stirchley
  • Naird Roundabout, Stafford Park
  • Kwik Fit, Stafford Park
  • Business Development Centre, Stafford Park
  • Magna Foods, Stafford Park
  • Stafford Park Adjacent to Skoda Garage
  • Telford Central, Telford Town Centre
  • Church Road, Oakengates
  • Pickering Road, Trench
  • Gordon Road, Trench
  • Stratford Park, Trench
  • Furnace Lane, Trench
  • Police Station, Donnington
  • Hortonwood 37 Northbound
  • Hortonwood 33
  • Hortonwood 30 Northbound
  • Orchard Farm Roundabout Northbound, Hortonwood
  • Barnes Wallis Drive, Leegomery
  • Apley Wood School, Leegomery
  • Heatherdale, Leegomery
  • Teresa Way, Leegomery
  • Princess Royal Hospital, Leegomery
  • Charlton School, Wellington
  • Vineyard Road, Wellington
  • Bus Station, Wellington


Print Timetable Go to top Monday to Friday - 100 - Wellington - Sutton Hill

                    TPS_24-25 NTPS_24-25 TPS_24-25 NTPS_24-25    
Bus Station
Wellington (Stand F)
04:50 05:25 06:45 07:25 09:30 10:30 12:05 12:50 14:06 15:05 15:10 15:55 16:00 --- 18:10
Princess Royal Hospital
Leegomery (Stand A)
04:55 05:30 06:50 07:30 09:35 10:35 12:10 12:55 14:11 15:10 15:15 16:00 16:05 --- 18:15
05:02 05:37 06:57 07:37 09:42 10:42 12:17 13:02 14:18 15:17 15:22 16:07 16:12 --- 18:22
Church Road
Oakengates (S)
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 15:25 --- 16:15 --- --- ---
Telford Central
Telford Town Centre (W)
05:12 05:47 07:07 07:47 09:52 10:52 12:27 13:12 14:28 15:32 15:32 16:22 16:22 17:02 18:32
Fire Station
05:14 05:49 07:09 07:49 09:54 10:54 12:29 13:14 14:30 15:34 15:34 16:24 16:24 17:04 18:34
Brookside (N)
05:23 05:58 07:18 07:58 10:03 11:03 12:38 13:23 14:39 15:43 15:43 16:33 16:33 17:13 18:43
Woodside (SE)
05:31 06:06 07:26 08:06 10:11 11:11 12:46 13:31 14:47 15:51 15:51 16:41 16:41 17:21 18:51
Madeley Centre
Madeley (Stand B)
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 14:53 --- --- --- --- --- ---
Madeley Centre
Madeley (Stand C)
05:37 06:12 07:32 08:12 10:17 11:17 12:52 13:37 --- 15:57 15:57 16:47 16:47 17:27 18:57
Halesfield 11
Halesfield (before)
05:43 06:18 07:38 08:18 10:23 11:23 12:58 13:43 --- 16:03 16:03 16:53 16:53 17:33 19:03
Sutton Hill (NW)
05:45 06:20 07:40 08:20 10:25 11:25 13:00 13:45 --- 16:05 16:05 16:55 16:55 17:35 19:05
Bus Station
Wellington (Stand F)
19:20 20:40 21:20 22:35                      
Princess Royal Hospital
Leegomery (Stand A)
19:25 20:45 21:25 22:40                      
19:32 20:52 21:32 22:47                      
Church Road
Oakengates (S)
--- --- --- ---                      
Telford Central
Telford Town Centre (W)
19:42 21:02 21:42 22:57                      
Fire Station
19:44 21:04 21:44 22:59                      
Brookside (N)
19:53 21:13 21:53 23:08                      
Woodside (SE)
20:01 21:21 22:01 23:16                      
Madeley Centre
Madeley (Stand B)
--- --- --- ---                      
Madeley Centre
Madeley (Stand C)
20:07 21:27 22:07 23:22                      
Halesfield 11
Halesfield (before)
20:13 21:33 22:13 23:28                      
Sutton Hill (NW)
20:15 21:35 22:15 23:30                      

Journey notes

  • TPS_24-25
    • Service runs only during working days of Telford Priory School 2024-2025
  • NTPS_24-25
    • Service does not run during working days of Telford Priory School 2024-2025

Print Timetable Go to top Monday to Friday - 100 - Sutton Hill - Wellington

        NTPS_24-25 TPS_24-25                    
Sutton Hill (NW)
05:06 05:45 06:21 07:40 07:40 08:21 10:26 11:26 13:01 13:45 --- 16:05 17:01 17:36 19:06
Halesfield 11
Halesfield (after)
05:12 05:51 06:27 07:46 07:46 08:27 10:32 11:32 13:07 13:51 --- 16:11 17:07 17:42 19:12
Madeley Centre
Madeley (Stand B)
05:19 05:58 06:34 07:53 07:53 08:34 10:39 11:39 13:14 13:58 14:55 16:18 17:14 17:49 19:19
Woodside (NW)
05:25 06:04 06:40 07:59 07:59 08:40 10:45 11:45 13:20 14:04 15:01 16:24 17:20 17:55 19:25
Brookside (SE)
05:33 06:12 06:48 08:07 08:07 08:48 10:53 11:53 13:28 14:12 15:09 16:32 17:28 18:03 19:33
Fire Station
05:42 06:21 06:57 08:16 08:16 08:57 11:02 12:02 13:37 14:21 15:18 16:41 17:37 18:12 19:42
Telford Central
Telford Town Centre (W)
05:44 06:23 06:59 08:18 08:18 08:59 11:04 12:04 13:39 14:23 15:20 16:43 17:39 18:14 19:44
Church Road
Oakengates (N)
--- --- --- --- 08:26 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
05:54 06:33 07:09 08:28 08:34 09:09 11:14 12:14 13:49 14:33 15:30 --- 17:49 18:24 19:54
Princess Royal Hospital
Leegomery (Stand B)
06:01 06:40 07:16 08:35 08:43 09:16 11:21 12:21 13:56 14:40 15:37 --- 17:56 18:31 20:01
Bus Station
Wellington (Stand F)
06:06 06:45 07:21 08:40 08:48 09:21 11:26 12:26 14:01 14:45 15:42 --- 18:01 18:36 20:06
Sutton Hill (NW)
20:16 21:35 22:15                        
Halesfield 11
Halesfield (after)
20:22 21:41 22:21                        
Madeley Centre
Madeley (Stand B)
20:29 21:48 22:28                        
Woodside (NW)
20:35 21:54 22:34                        
Brookside (SE)
20:43 22:02 22:42                        
Fire Station
20:52 22:11 22:51                        
Telford Central
Telford Town Centre (W)
20:54 22:13 22:53                        
Church Road
Oakengates (N)
--- --- ---                        
21:04 22:23 ---                        
Princess Royal Hospital
Leegomery (Stand B)
21:11 22:30 ---                        
Bus Station
Wellington (Stand F)
21:16 22:35 ---                        

Journey notes

  • NTPS_24-25
    • Service does not run during working days of Telford Priory School 2024-2025
  • TPS_24-25
    • Service runs only during working days of Telford Priory School 2024-2025

Print Timetable Go to top Saturday - 100 - Wellington - Sutton Hill

Bus Station
Wellington (Stand F)
04:50 05:25 06:45 07:25 09:30 10:30 12:05 12:50 14:06 15:10 16:00 --- 18:10 19:20 20:40
Princess Royal Hospital
Leegomery (Stand A)
04:55 05:30 06:50 07:30 09:35 10:35 12:10 12:55 14:11 15:15 16:05 --- 18:15 19:25 20:45
05:02 05:37 06:57 07:37 09:42 10:42 12:17 13:02 14:18 15:22 16:12 --- 18:22 19:32 20:52
Telford Central
Telford Town Centre (W)
05:12 05:47 07:07 07:47 09:52 10:52 12:27 13:12 14:28 15:32 16:22 17:02 18:32 19:42 21:02
Fire Station
05:14 05:49 07:09 07:49 09:54 10:54 12:29 13:14 14:30 15:34 16:24 17:04 18:34 19:44 21:04
Brookside (N)
05:23 05:58 07:18 07:58 10:03 11:03 12:38 13:23 14:39 15:43 16:33 17:13 18:43 19:53 21:13
Woodside (SE)
05:31 06:06 07:26 08:06 10:11 11:11 12:46 13:31 14:47 15:51 16:41 17:21 18:51 20:01 21:21
Madeley Centre
Madeley (Stand B)
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 14:53 --- --- --- --- --- ---
Madeley Centre
Madeley (Stand C)
05:37 06:12 07:32 08:12 10:17 11:17 12:52 13:37 --- 15:57 16:47 17:27 18:57 20:07 21:27
Halesfield 11
Halesfield (before)
05:43 06:18 07:38 08:18 10:23 11:23 12:58 13:43 --- 16:03 16:53 17:33 19:03 20:13 21:33
Sutton Hill (NW)
05:45 06:20 07:40 08:20 10:25 11:25 13:00 13:45 --- 16:05 16:55 17:35 19:05 20:15 21:35
Bus Station
Wellington (Stand F)
21:20 22:35                          
Princess Royal Hospital
Leegomery (Stand A)
21:25 22:40                          
21:32 22:47                          
Telford Central
Telford Town Centre (W)
21:42 22:57                          
Fire Station
21:44 22:59                          
Brookside (N)
21:53 23:08                          
Woodside (SE)
22:01 23:16                          
Madeley Centre
Madeley (Stand B)
--- ---                          
Madeley Centre
Madeley (Stand C)
22:07 23:22                          
Halesfield 11
Halesfield (before)
22:13 23:28                          
Sutton Hill (NW)
22:15 23:30                          

Print Timetable Go to top Saturday - 100 - Sutton Hill - Wellington

Sutton Hill (NW)
05:45 06:21 07:40 08:21 10:26 11:26 13:01 13:45 --- 16:05 17:01 17:36 19:06 20:16 21:35
Halesfield 11
Halesfield (after)
05:51 06:27 07:46 08:27 10:32 11:32 13:07 13:51 --- 16:11 17:07 17:42 19:12 20:22 21:41
Madeley Centre
Madeley (Stand B)
05:58 06:34 07:53 08:34 10:39 11:39 13:14 13:58 14:55 16:18 17:14 17:49 19:19 20:29 21:48
Woodside (NW)
06:04 06:40 07:59 08:40 10:45 11:45 13:20 14:04 15:01 16:24 17:20 17:55 19:25 20:35 21:54
Brookside (SE)
06:12 06:48 08:07 08:48 10:53 11:53 13:28 14:12 15:09 16:32 17:28 18:03 19:33 20:43 22:02
Fire Station
06:21 06:57 08:16 08:57 11:02 12:02 13:37 14:21 15:18 16:41 17:37 18:12 19:42 20:52 22:11
Telford Central
Telford Town Centre (W)
06:23 06:59 08:18 08:59 11:04 12:04 13:39 14:23 15:20 16:43 17:39 18:14 19:44 20:54 22:13
06:33 07:09 08:28 09:09 11:14 12:14 13:49 14:33 15:30 --- 17:49 18:24 19:54 21:04 22:23
Princess Royal Hospital
Leegomery (Stand B)
06:40 07:16 08:35 09:16 11:21 12:21 13:56 14:40 15:37 --- 17:56 18:31 20:01 21:11 22:30
Bus Station
Wellington (Stand F)
06:45 07:21 08:40 09:21 11:26 12:26 14:01 14:45 15:42 --- 18:01 18:36 20:06 21:16 22:35
Sutton Hill (NW)
Halesfield 11
Halesfield (after)
Madeley Centre
Madeley (Stand B)
Woodside (NW)
Brookside (SE)
Fire Station
Telford Central
Telford Town Centre (W)
Princess Royal Hospital
Leegomery (Stand B)
Bus Station
Wellington (Stand F)

Print Timetable Go to top Sunday - 100 - Wellington - Sutton Hill

Bus Station
Wellington (Stand F)
04:50 05:25 06:45 07:25 09:30 10:30 12:05 12:50 14:06 15:10 16:00 --- 18:10 19:20 20:40
Princess Royal Hospital
Leegomery (Stand A)
04:55 05:30 06:50 07:30 09:35 10:35 12:10 12:55 14:11 15:15 16:05 --- 18:15 19:25 20:45
05:02 05:37 06:57 07:37 09:42 10:42 12:17 13:02 14:18 15:22 16:12 --- 18:22 19:32 20:52
Telford Central
Telford Town Centre (W)
05:12 05:47 07:07 07:47 09:52 10:52 12:27 13:12 14:28 15:32 16:22 17:02 18:32 19:42 21:02
Fire Station
05:14 05:49 07:09 07:49 09:54 10:54 12:29 13:14 14:30 15:34 16:24 17:04 18:34 19:44 21:04
Brookside (N)
05:23 05:58 07:18 07:58 10:03 11:03 12:38 13:23 14:39 15:43 16:33 17:13 18:43 19:53 21:13
Woodside (SE)
05:31 06:06 07:26 08:06 10:11 11:11 12:46 13:31 14:47 15:51 16:41 17:21 18:51 20:01 21:21
Madeley Centre
Madeley (Stand B)
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 14:53 --- --- --- --- --- ---
Madeley Centre
Madeley (Stand C)
05:37 06:12 07:32 08:12 10:17 11:17 12:52 13:37 --- 15:57 16:47 17:27 18:57 20:07 21:27
Halesfield 11
Halesfield (before)
05:43 06:18 07:38 08:18 10:23 11:23 12:58 13:43 --- 16:03 16:53 17:33 19:03 20:13 21:33
Sutton Hill (NW)
05:45 06:20 07:40 08:20 10:25 11:25 13:00 13:45 --- 16:05 16:55 17:35 19:05 20:15 21:35
Bus Station
Wellington (Stand F)
21:20 22:35                          
Princess Royal Hospital
Leegomery (Stand A)
21:25 22:40                          
21:32 22:47                          
Telford Central
Telford Town Centre (W)
21:42 22:57                          
Fire Station
21:44 22:59                          
Brookside (N)
21:53 23:08                          
Woodside (SE)
22:01 23:16                          
Madeley Centre
Madeley (Stand B)
--- ---                          
Madeley Centre
Madeley (Stand C)
22:07 23:22                          
Halesfield 11
Halesfield (before)
22:13 23:28                          
Sutton Hill (NW)
22:15 23:30                          

Print Timetable Go to top Sunday - 100 - Sutton Hill - Wellington

Sutton Hill (NW)
05:45 06:21 07:40 08:21 10:26 11:26 13:01 13:45 --- 16:05 17:01 17:36 19:06 20:16 21:35
Halesfield 11
Halesfield (after)
05:51 06:27 07:46 08:27 10:32 11:32 13:07 13:51 --- 16:11 17:07 17:42 19:12 20:22 21:41
Madeley Centre
Madeley (Stand B)
05:58 06:34 07:53 08:34 10:39 11:39 13:14 13:58 14:55 16:18 17:14 17:49 19:19 20:29 21:48
Woodside (NW)
06:04 06:40 07:59 08:40 10:45 11:45 13:20 14:04 15:01 16:24 17:20 17:55 19:25 20:35 21:54
Brookside (SE)
06:12 06:48 08:07 08:48 10:53 11:53 13:28 14:12 15:09 16:32 17:28 18:03 19:33 20:43 22:02
Fire Station
06:21 06:57 08:16 08:57 11:02 12:02 13:37 14:21 15:18 16:41 17:37 18:12 19:42 20:52 22:11
Telford Central
Telford Town Centre (W)
06:23 06:59 08:18 08:59 11:04 12:04 13:39 14:23 15:20 16:43 17:39 18:14 19:44 20:54 22:13
06:33 07:09 08:28 09:09 11:14 12:14 13:49 14:33 15:30 --- 17:49 18:24 19:54 21:04 22:23
Princess Royal Hospital
Leegomery (Stand B)
06:40 07:16 08:35 09:16 11:21 12:21 13:56 14:40 15:37 --- 17:56 18:31 20:01 21:11 22:30
Bus Station
Wellington (Stand F)
06:45 07:21 08:40 09:21 11:26 12:26 14:01 14:45 15:42 --- 18:01 18:36 20:06 21:16 22:35
Sutton Hill (NW)
Halesfield 11
Halesfield (after)
Madeley Centre
Madeley (Stand B)
Woodside (NW)
Brookside (SE)
Fire Station
Telford Central
Telford Town Centre (W)
Princess Royal Hospital
Leegomery (Stand B)
Bus Station
Wellington (Stand F)

Generated on 02/03/2025 11:11