Cannock - Lichfield

via Hednesford, Hazelslade, Chase Terrace and Burntwood
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Tickets & Fares

Mobile tickets

Mobile and online ticket sales are coming soon through this website and the new Chaserider app. During this transition period, please continue to buy your mobile tickets through the myTrip app - visit www.mytrip.today to download.

1 Day: Cannock Zone

Unlimited travel for 1 day on all Chaserider and Select Bus Services routes in the Cannock zone.

1 Day: Cannock Zone

Unlimited travel for 1 day on all Chaserider and Select Bus Services routes in the Cannock zone.

1 Day: Cannock Zone

Unlimited travel for 1 day on all Chaserider and Select Bus Services routes in the Cannock zone.

1 Day: Cannock Zone

Unlimited travel for 1 day on all Chaserider and Select Bus Services routes in the Cannock zone.

28 Days: Cannock Zone

Unlimited travel for 28 days on all Chaserider and Select Bus Services routes in the Cannock zone.

28 Days: Cannock Zone

Unlimited travel for 28 days on all Chaserider and Select Bus Services routes in the Cannock zone.

7 Days: Cannock Zone

Unlimited travel for 7 days on all Chaserider and Select Bus Services routes in the Cannock zone.

7 Days: Cannock Zone

Unlimited travel for 7 days on all Chaserider and Select Bus Services routes in the Cannock zone.

1 Day: Lichfield Zone

Unlimited travel for 1 day on all Chaserider routes in the Lichfield zone.

1 Day: Lichfield Zone

Unlimited travel for 1 day on all Chaserider routes in the Lichfield zone.

1 Day: Lichfield Zone

Unlimited travel for 1 day on all Chaserider routes in the Lichfield zone.

1 Day: Lichfield Zone

Unlimited travel for 1 day on all Chaserider routes in the Lichfield zone.

28 Days: Lichfield Zone

Unlimited travel for 28 days on all Chaserider routes in the Lichfield zone.

28 Days: Lichfield Zone

Unlimited travel for 28 days on all Chaserider routes in the Lichfield zone.

7 Days: Lichfield Zone

Unlimited travel for 7 days on all Chaserider routes in the Lichfield zone.

7 Days: Lichfield Zone

Unlimited travel for 7 days on all Chaserider routes in the Lichfield zone.

1 Day: All Routes

Unlimited travel for 1 day on all Chaserider and Select Bus Services routes.

1 Day: All Routes

Unlimited travel for 1 day on all Chaserider and Select Bus Services routes.

1 Day: All Routes

Unlimited travel for 1 day on all Chaserider and Select Bus Services routes.

1 Day: All Routes

Unlimited travel for 1 day on all Chaserider and Select Bus Services routes.

28 Days: All Routes

Unlimited travel for 28 days on all Chaserider and Select Bus Services routes.

28 Days: All Routes

Unlimited travel for 28 days on all Chaserider and Select Bus Services routes.

7 Days: All Routes

Unlimited travel for 7 days on all Chaserider and Select Bus Services routes.

7 Days: All Routes

Unlimited travel for 7 days on all Chaserider and Select Bus Services routes.

Route Guide

  • Bus Station, Cannock Town Centre
  • Grainger Court, Cannock
  • 41, Cannock
  • Old Fallow Avenue, Chadsmoor
  • Field Street, Chadsmoor
  • Cemetery Road, Chadsmoor
  • Albert Street, Chadsmoor
  • Central Avenue, Chadsmoor
  • Orion Way, High Town
  • Marston Road, High Town
  • Platt Street, High Town
  • Queen Street, High Town
  • Stephenson Way, Hednesford
  • Railway View, Hednesford
  • Victoria Street, Hednesford
  • Uxbridge Court, Hednesford
  • Plough & Harrow PH, Hednesford
  • Pentecostal Church, Hednesford
  • Kingsmead School, Hednesford
  • Littleworth Hill
  • Hewston Croft, Littleworth
  • Albert Davie Drive, Littleworth
  • Trafalgar Inn, Littleworth
  • Longacres, Littleworth
  • St Michaels Church, Rawnsley
  • Middleway, Hazelslade
  • Rugeley Road, Hazelslade
  • Blackthorn Crescent, Hazelslade
  • Primary School, Hazelslade
  • Valley Road, Hazelslade
  • Littleworth Road, Rawnsley
  • Williamson Avenue, Prospect Village
  • Longstaff Avenue, Prospect Village
  • New Hayes Road, Prospect Village
  • Chapel Lane, Cannock Wood
  • Bradwell Lane, Cannock Wood
  • Ivy Lane, Cannock Wood
  • Slang Lane, Cannock Wood
  • The Redmore Inn PH, Gentleshaw
  • Duke Road, Boney Hay
  • Chorley Road, Boney Hay
  • Park Road, Boney Hay
  • Redwood Drive, Burntwood Town Centre
  • Victory Avenue, Burntwood Town Centre
  • Sankey's Corner, Chase Terrace
  • High Street, Chase Terrace
  • Burntwood, Morrisons Store
  • Burntwoof, Derry Way
  • Morrisons Store, Burntwood Town Centre
  • High Street, Chase Terrace
  • High School, Chase Terrace
  • Morley Road, Chase Terrace
  • Franklin Drive, Burntwood
  • Tudor Road, Burntwood
  • Hudson Drive, Burntwood
  • Mease Avenue, Burntwood
  • Farewell Lane, Burntwood
  • Edial House, Burntwood
  • Woodhouses Road, Pipehill
  • Edial Farm, Pipehill
  • Broad Lane, Pipehill
  • Old Lichfield Road, Pipehill
  • Pipe Marsh, Pipehill
  • The Hawthorns, Sandyway
  • Sorrel Close, Sandyway
  • Christchurch Lane, Leamonsley
  • Angorfa Close, Leamonsley
  • No. 50, Leamonsley
  • Clock Tower, Lichfield
  • Swan Road, Lichfield City Centre
  • Library, Lichfield City Centre
  • Frog Lane, Lichfield City Centre
  • Bus Station, Lichfield City Centre
  • Bus Station, Lichfield City Centre
  • Frog Lane, Lichfield City Centre
  • Library, Lichfield City Centre
  • Swan Road, Lichfield City Centre
  • No. 50, Leamonsley
  • Angorfa Close, Leamonsley
  • Christchurch Lane, Leamonsley
  • Sorrel Close, Sandyway
  • Panache Restaurant, Sandyway
  • Pipe Marsh, Pipehill
  • Old Lichfield Road, Pipehill
  • Broad Lane, Pipehill
  • Edial Farm, Pipehill
  • Woodhouses Road, Pipehill
  • Edial House, Burntwood
  • Farewell Lane, Burntwood
  • Mease Avenue, Burntwood
  • Hudson Drive, Burntwood
  • Acorn View, Burntwood
  • Tudor Road, Burntwood
  • Franklin Drive, Burntwood
  • Oakdene Road, Chase Terrace
  • High Street, Chase Terrace
  • Burntwood, Morrisons Store
  • Burntwoof, Derry Way
  • Morrisons Store, Burntwood Town Centre
  • High Street, Chase Terrace
  • Sankey's Corner, Chase Terrace
  • Victory Avenue, Burntwood Town Centre
  • Redwood Drive, Burntwood Town Centre
  • Park Road, Boney Hay
  • Chorley Road, Boney Hay
  • Duke Road, Boney Hay
  • The Redmore Inn PH, Gentleshaw
  • Slang Lane, Cannock Wood
  • Ivy Lane, Cannock Wood
  • Chapel Lane, Cannock Wood
  • New Hayes Road, Prospect Village
  • Longstaff Avenue, Prospect Village
  • Ironstone Road, Prospect Village
  • Littleworth Road, Rawnsley
  • Valley Road, Hazelslade
  • Blackthorn Crescent, Hazelslade
  • Rugeley Road, Hazelslade
  • Middleway, Hazelslade
  • St Michaels Church, Rawnsley
  • Longacres, Littleworth
  • Trafalgar Inn, Littleworth
  • Albert Davie Drive, Littleworth
  • Littleworth Hill
  • Kingsmead School, Hednesford
  • Pentecostal Church, Hednesford
  • Plough & Harrow PH, Hednesford
  • Uxbridge Court, Hednesford
  • Victoria Street, Hednesford
  • Railway View, Hednesford
  • Stephenson Way, Hednesford
  • Queen Street, High Town
  • Platt Street, High Town
  • Marston Road, High Town
  • Orion Way, High Town
  • Central Avenue, Chadsmoor
  • Albert Street, Chadsmoor
  • Cemetery Road, Chadsmoor
  • Field Street, Chadsmoor
  • Old Fallow Avenue, Chadsmoor
  • Hamelin Street, Cannock
  • Southbourne Place, Cannock
  • Grainger Court, Cannock
  • Chase Leisure Centre, Cannock
  • Bus Station, Cannock Town Centre


Print Timetable Go to top Monday to Friday - 62 - Cannock - Lichfield

Bus Station
Cannock Town Centre (Stand 10)
07:10 08:30 09:30 10:30 11:30 12:30 13:30 14:30 16:00 17:00 18:00
Victoria Street
Hednesford (Stand N2)
07:23 08:43 09:43 10:43 11:43 12:43 13:43 14:43 16:13 17:13 18:13
Blackthorn Crescent
Hazelslade (Opp)
07:34 08:54 09:54 10:54 11:54 12:54 13:54 14:54 16:24 17:24 18:24
Victory Avenue
Burntwood Town Centre (Adj)
07:47 09:07 10:07 11:07 12:07 13:07 14:07 15:07 16:37 17:37 18:37
Morrisons Store
--- --- 10:09 11:09 12:09 13:09 14:09 15:09 16:39 --- ---
Farewell Lane
Burntwood (Adj)
07:52 09:12 10:13 11:13 12:13 13:13 14:13 15:13 16:43 17:42 ---
Bus Station
Lichfield City Centre (Adj)
08:03 09:23 10:26 11:26 12:26 13:26 14:26 --- 16:56 17:53 ---

Print Timetable Go to top Monday to Friday - 62 - Lichfield - Cannock

Bus Station
Lichfield City Centre (Stand 7)
--- --- 09:30 10:30 11:30 12:30 13:30 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00
Farewell Lane
Burntwood (Opp)
--- 08:48 09:39 10:39 11:39 12:39 13:39 15:09 16:09 17:09 18:09
Morrisons Store
--- --- 09:46 10:46 11:46 12:46 13:46 15:16 --- --- ---
Victory Avenue
Burntwood Town Centre (Opp)
07:47 08:52 09:48 10:48 11:48 12:48 13:48 15:18 16:17 17:17 18:17
Blackthorn Crescent
Hazelslade (Adj)
08:00 09:05 10:02 11:02 12:02 13:02 14:02 15:32 16:31 17:31 18:31
Victoria Street
Hednesford (Stand S2)
08:13 09:18 10:16 11:16 12:16 13:16 14:16 15:46 16:44 17:44 18:44
Bus Station
Cannock Town Centre (Adj)
08:23 09:28 10:26 11:26 12:26 13:26 14:26 15:56 16:54 17:54 18:54

Print Timetable Go to top Saturday - 62 - Cannock - Lichfield

Bus Station
Cannock Town Centre (Stand 10)
08:30 then
:30 until 15:30 16:30
Victoria Street
Hednesford (Stand N2)
08:43 :43 15:43 16:43
Blackthorn Crescent
Hazelslade (Opp)
08:54 :54 15:54 16:54
Victory Avenue
Burntwood Town Centre (Adj)
09:07 :07 16:07 17:07
Morrisons Store
09:09 :09 16:09 17:09
Farewell Lane
Burntwood (Adj)
09:13 :13 16:13 17:13
Bus Station
Lichfield City Centre (Adj)
09:26 :26 16:26 17:26

Print Timetable Go to top Saturday - 62 - Lichfield - Cannock

Bus Station
Lichfield City Centre (Stand 7)
09:30 then
:30 until 16:30 17:30
Farewell Lane
Burntwood (Opp)
09:39 :39 16:39 17:39
Morrisons Store
09:46 :46 16:46 17:46
Victory Avenue
Burntwood Town Centre (Opp)
09:48 :48 16:48 17:48
Blackthorn Crescent
Hazelslade (Adj)
10:02 :02 17:02 18:02
Victoria Street
Hednesford (Stand S2)
10:16 :16 17:16 18:16
Bus Station
Cannock Town Centre (Adj)
10:26 :26 17:26 18:26

Generated on 10/05/2024 17:09